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 Cookies policy

Please read this Cookies Policy carefully.


  1. What are cookies?
  2. How do we use cookies?
  3. What types of cookies do we use?
  4. The cookies we set
  5. How to manage your cookies
  6. Privacy policies of other websites
  7. Changes to our privacy policy
  8. How to contact us
  9. How to contact the appropriate authorities

What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded onto ‘terminal equipment’ (for example your computer or smartphone) when you access a website. It allows the website to recognise your device and store some information about your preferences or past actions on the website.

How do we use cookies?

This App may place and access certain Cookies on your computer or device. We use Cookies to improve your experience of using the App and to improve the relevance of our range of products available to you.  We have carefully chosen these Cookies and taken steps to ensure that your privacy is protected and respected at all times.

All Cookies used by this App are used in accordance with current Data Protection Laws.

What types of cookies do we use?

This App may place the following Cookies:

Type of CookiePurpose
Strictly Necessary cookiesThese are cookies that are required for the operation of our App. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our App, use a shopping cart or make use of e-billing services.
Analytical/Performance cookiesThey allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our App when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our App works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.
Functionality cookiesThese are used to recognise you when you return to our App. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region). By using the App, you agree to our placement of functionality cookies.

You will be given a chance to opt-in to unnecessary cookies. Please see the ‘How to manage cookies’ section below for more details. Further description of the above-mentioned cookies are as follow:

Strictly Necessary Cookies

We use the following strictly necessary cookies:

accessToken (HTTP Cookie)This is an access token, used for token-based authentications. It allows the server to recognise and authenticate the user for each request without the need for maintaining session state on the server side.
refreshToken (HTTP Cookie)Allows the user to request new access token from the server when the current accessToken expires, which will enable seamless session refresh without requiring the user to log in again.
isFirstTimeLogin (HTTP Cookie)Confirm whether it is the user’s first-time login.
termsVersion (HTTP Cookie)To track the version of what terms that was agreed by the user. 
privacyVersion (HTTP Cookie)To track the version of what privacy policy that was agreed by the user.
intiNotification (AsyncStorage)Remember the click action of notification when the App is closed, and process the action after the App is loaded.
Analyticalcookies (Android: AsyncStorage.
IOS: Keychain)
To track whether user turns on analytical cookies
Functionalitycookies (Android: AsyncStorage.
IOS: Keychain)
To check whether user turns on Functionality cookies
Cookiesbanner (Android: AsyncStorage.
IOS: Keychain)
To track whether to display the “Cookies Setting” pop up or not.
Showpromotion (Android: AsyncStorage.
IOS: Keychain)
To track whether to display the “Receive Updates & Notifications?” pop up or not.
_GRECAPTCHATo identify bots to protect the website against malicious spam attacks.
lqd-gdprTo track whether a user has consented to a website’s cookie policy in compliance with the GDPR. This ensures the website functions correctly and complies with legal requirements.
Encrypted login credentials (Android: AsyncStorage. IOS: Keychain)It is for system to generate a user account for guest checkout.
selectedStore (Local Storage/ AsyncStorage)Remember the last selected store, and redirect to that store when re-open the app.

Functionality cookies

We use the following functionality cookies:

Message_waybill number (AsyncStorage)Determine if the notification of that waybill is already showed.
Insensitive card details (AsyncStorage)User can save credit card info for next payment.
Email (AsyncStorage)Preset email used for sending order invoice.
initNotification (AsyncStorage)Remember the click action of notification when the App is closed, and process the action after the App is loaded.
First Name and Last Name (AsyncStorage)Greeting in home page.

Analytical/performance cookies

_ga (HTTP Cookie)To calculate visitor, session and campaign data for analytics reports of Gnatta, in:Five website and app.
_ga_{id} (HTTP Cookie)To store information about the user’s session on Gnatta, in:Five website and app, and track user interactions with the website for analytics purposes. The “{id}” represents a variable part of the cookie name that is unique to the website.
_gid (HTTP Cookie)To store and update a unique value for each page visited, including Gnatta, in:Five website and app, so as to distinguish different visits to the application on different days.
utm_campaign (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
utm_medium (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
utm_source (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
utm_content (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
cid (Customer ID) (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
_osl (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
_fpb (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
_cpt (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
_iumenbl (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
_iumchkactval (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
_plt (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
_uit (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
_cpb (HTTP Request)Tracking marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using dynamic link.
_ga_*To store and count pageviews of in:Five’s website.
_gat_gtag_UA_*To throttle the request rate – limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites.

The Cookies We Set

  • Login related cookies

We use cookies when you are logged in so that we can remember this fact. This prevents you from having to log in every single time you visit a new page. These cookies are typically removed or cleared when you log out to ensure that you can only access restricted features and areas when logged in.

  • Orders processing related cookies

This App offers e-commerce or payment facilities and some cookies are essential to ensure that your order is remembered between pages so that we can process it properly.

  • Preferences cookies

In order to provide you with a great experience on this App we provide the functionality to set your preferences for how this site runs when you use it. In order to remember your preferences, we need to set cookies so that this information can be called whenever you interact with a page is affected by your preferences.

  • Third Party Cookies

In some special cases we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties, including but not limited to the following:

Google Analytics: for helping us to understand how you use the App and ways that we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on the App and the pages that you visit so we can continue to produce engaging content.

For more information on Google Analytics cookies, please visit the official Google Analytics page.

Meta Pixel: for helping us understand how you use the App and what actions you perform on the App so we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things such as your advertising preferences and deliver, measure and improve the relevancy of our ads.

For more information on Meta Pixel cookies, please visit the official Meta page.

How to manage cookies

Before the App places Cookies on your device, you will be presented with a message bar requesting your consent to set those Cookies. By giving your consent to the placing of Cookies, you are enabling us to provide a better experience and service to you. You may, if you wish, deny consent to the placing of Cookies; however certain features of the App may not function fully or as intended.

You can choose to enable or disable Cookies in your account setting. For further details, please see the help menu in account setting. You can switch off Cookies at any time, however, you may lose any information that enables you to access the App more quickly and efficiently.

You can choose to delete Cookies at any time. However, you may lose any information that enables you to access the App more quickly and efficiently including, but not limited to, personalisation settings.

It is recommended that you ensure that your operation system is up-to-date and that you consult the help and guidance provided by the developer of your device if you are unsure about adjusting your privacy settings.

Privacy policies of other websites

Our App contains links to other websites. Our privacy policy applies only to our App, so if you click on a link to another website, you should read their privacy policy.

Changes to our privacy policy

Shoalter Automation (UK) Limited reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy as we may deem necessary from time to time or as may be required by law. Any changes will be immediately posted on the App with clickwrap agreement when you launch the App.  and you are deemed to have accepted the terms of the Privacy Policy on your first use of the App following the alterations.  

How to contact us

If you have any questions about Our Company’s privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at

How to contact the appropriate authority

If you are not satisfied with the way a complaint you make in relation to your Data is handled by us, you may be able to refer your complaint to the relevant data protection authority. For the UK, this is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO’s contact details can be found on their website at

This website uses cookies to improve your web experience.